No matter how prepared you think you might be for a motorcycle ride, you never know what situations will arise on the way to your destination. Even the most experienced riders with the highest quality models are not immune to an unexpected breakdown, which can ruin the fun quickly. That’s why it’s important to have a plan of action in place for handling any motorcycle maintenance issues on the road.

Decide Your Plan of Action

Once you feel that there’s some problem with your bike, your priority should be to get yourself off the road as quickly and safely as possible. You may need to immediately pull over onto a shoulder or highway median if the issue is very severe, or you may get enough time to reach the next exit and pull off in a parking lot.

As you’re doing this, signal your intent to other motorists, watching carefully before making any sudden moves since drivers may not immediately see you. Park your bike as far from moving cars as you can.

Your first decision will be whether you can stay and repair your bike where it is, or whether it would be safer to leave the area and get some help. If you can see where the problem is and you’re prepared to fix it, then you can simply address it and get moving again.

However, if high-speed traffic surrounds you on a narrow shoulder and you’re in danger, get off the road. Use your cell phone to make a call to whoever can help you – a friend with a truck who can haul your bike to the nearest mechanic or a roadside assistance team that can bring a repair person to you.

Bring Emergency Tools

The only way you’ll be able to repair your bike is if you have the right tools. A toolkit in your saddlebags or storage compartment should contain everything you need for most minor issues. Some examples include a portable air compressor, wrenches, screwdrivers, tire patches, and pliers. You can find these kits pre-assembled for convenience or make one yourself.

Preventive Maintenance

Once you’ve got your bike fixed, it’s important to keep it in good shape for future rides so this doesn’t happen again. Regular motorcycle maintenance like oil changes, tire pressure checks, inspecting your battery, tightening belts and chains, changing filters, and adding coolant will all go a long way towards ensuring that your motorcycle stays in peak condition for your next ride. If you’re due for an oil change or your tires are worn, make sure to replace them as soon as possible.

We hope that his guide is helpful in addressing motorcycle maintenance issues on the road. If you need bike service or repairs before your next trip, get in touch with us at Jim Moroney's Inc. in New Windsor, NY. We proudly serve all those in Newburgh and Cornwall.